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How to Embrace the Unknown: Stepping into New Territory
Have you ever been in a space where you said to yourself, "I don't know how to do this and I'm worried that it's not going to turn out or...
How to Control the Noise: A Distracting Force
In a world filled with constant distractions and overwhelming noise, finding inner stillness and controlling the noise has become more...
Letting Go of Desperate Energy and Trusting the Process
I'm excited to share my insights with you on this topic: Letting go of desperate energy. We will explore the effects of operating from a...
Mindset Shifts for 2024: Moving Beyond Guilt and Embracing Growth
In this week's Mindset Monday, I emphasize the importance of shifting one's mindset to reach higher goals and overcome personal...
Mindset Monday: How to Identify Your Word, Phrase for the year
January 1, 2024 2024 has arrived and with it, the time to reboot, reset, and reclaim. As we step into another trip around the sun, many...
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